Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I made a Glog using glogster. A glog is a graphic log- a web page created by individuals used to exhibit a particular idea or creation. Glogs could be used in a class to display an assignment with more than one platform (text, graphics, video, and audio). An example would be in English class, an assignment to compose a poem and display it artfully in the manner that would best express the meaning of the poem, including a reading (audio) of the poem or an acting out (video) of the poem or even an interpretive dance(video). The only problem I had with Glogster was that one time after previewing my page, all my information was lost and I had to recreate it- luckily the audio and video were still available. The ISTE NETS T standard I feel mostly corresponds with this assignment is (5A)- participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning. We all created a GLOG introducing ourselves, and entered it onto a global learning community on the Internet (glogster). Then we were to think of new ways to incorporate the program into the classroom (by exploring creative applications-again glogster- of technology to improve student learning.

Click here to be redirected to my Glog!

My quote for thought:
"A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image." ~Author Unknown

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