Saturday, June 26, 2010


Prezi. Prezi is a lot different from any other type of presentation program I've used (which is probably just PowerPoint). Prezi is a lot more like a giant white-board than a slideshow. Instead of having all of the slides one after another in sequence, you can write anywhere on this gigantic board, and zoom in as far as you want to emphasize key points, or out as far as you want to give a big overview. I like the fact that you can take different frames or captured areas and make them into a motion path to view like a show (or presentation). It's a little like PowerPoint in the means that you can create a show out of your organized information, just the means of organization is the difference.
I don't know if it is better or worse than PowerPoint. I guess in some ways it is a little of both. For Better: unique, fresh, less boring, able to give significance to the main ideas and still go into details, able to let the audience know about how big of a presentation to expect, easy to use. For Worse: unable to change background colors, text colors, or text font, can't choose to hyper-link (or at least it wasn't easy to figure out- only some of my links work, and I don't know how that even happened),when you're editing and you choose to select a URL that is a hyper-link to move it or for any other reason- it opens the link every time, my screen kept changing zoom while I was working on it, and it didn't always save when I told it to.
The ISTE NETS T Standard that I feel most closely relates to the use of Prezi is 3D. "Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers: model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning." Using Prezi, we put together information on a subject or topic to use as an introductory to our lesson in the classroom. It would also be a good tool to introduce to students so that they could present their information on a certain school project in more innovative ways. Prezi will publish your presentation to the cloud (cloud is a word I learned from my brother for internet space) for free, and become available to others all over the world.

All that being said, here is a link to my presentation, 10 Trixie Facts. The Prezi I created was an introduction about myself. I could use this in my Computer Science Education degree to introduce students to this new technological resource, and allow them to make presentations introducing themselves to get a feel of the program. There are endless numbers of project ideas that Prezi could be used for inside and outside the classroom, so I definitely see myself using this in the future.
And here's my Prezi now!

And finally, here is the link to access the Prezi from the Fairmont ftp site: 10 Trixie Facts Prezi

My Quote for Thought:
"The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men." ~Bill Beattie

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