Using Jing, I created a video of how to use and apply the Alt+Tab Toggle keys. Jing is a revolutionary program that not only allows you to capture images from right off your screen and edit them and publish it to the web, it also allows you to create a video of what is going on right there on your screen, and publish that to the web, too. This has revolutionized the how-to's and the technology assistance options. Now, when someone needs an explanation, a techie can say "Hey, I'll send you this link on how to do it, now you can do it yourself!" Now they don't have to stop what they are doing to come and find you and your computer to provide simple "click here, then here, then here" instructions.
To see what I mean, check out my video on how to toggle between screens- Click Here!
If you have any questions at all about Jing, such as: how to embed?, how to link?, how to save?, etc. then access the Jing Help Center!
Well I completely failed the part about conversions. I tried to convert the swf (shock wave flash) file to an avi and to a wmv file but neither attempt was successful. I can see the importance of being able to convert your files, though. Because not every program you want to run can read every available video format; it's just not possible. So, if you want to have more universal exposure of your video, then it is indeed very important to know how to convert your files when the need comes along.
My quote for thought:
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger." ~Frank Lloyd Wright
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